Glynn County Airport Commission

The Glynn County Airport Commission was formed in 1980 to manage and develop opportunities at the County’s two airports: Brunswick Golden Isles Airport and St. Simons Island Airport at McKinnon Field.  The Glynn County Airport Commission is composed of 5 members all are residents of Glynn County and community leaders appointed by the Golden Isles Development Authority Board of Governors.  Member terms are 5-years and may only serve 2 successive terms.

Mission Statement

The Glynn County Airport Commission’s primary function is to maintain the airport system of Glynn County to the highest safety, reliability, and efficiency standards possible with the resources available. Further, the Commission shall insure the infrastructure and services are maintained, enhanced, and promoted to the level desired by the community and customers utilizing the facilities. The Commission shall accomplish the above functions while remaining as financially self-supporting as possible.